Brick brick on the wall…

They are everywhere! Bricks. If you back in the days wanted to get rich at the level of shitting gold-(bricks..), then the business of bricks probably was a good idea. London is the city of bricks.

In the first blog post I said, “lay a brick you too..”. (In the context of getting a better world)  “Well fuck you mate” went probably both you and your memory concerning this.

So someone at least had to do something. I took my self literally and for the last two weekends I have been doing this when time allowed.

Ahh. A London Brick. In London. Anno God knows when.. These were the bricks I had to deal with. So what is this really?

It´s two brick squares where it will be self-grown vegetables for my brother and his family. Eating more near produced things, so to speak. Now that´s how to lay a brick for mother earth. See the results below.

Yeah yeah, “why is he so smug about this, it´s fucking crap”. Well. That might be true.(You bastard. Ever heard of being polite?) But then you try to make the ground flat enough, dig down one layer of brick under the ground (so it´s actually 5 layers) fighting with worms dinosaur size, deal with bricks older than the pyramids (those bricks really tells you to sod of and leave them alone. I can’t blame them.) mix the concrete (which demands 4 years university studies focusing only on this, to get the right consistence)  and you come back with a better result.

And if you do, I will go and get my enormous oversized sledgehammer..

But really, if you have a garden, full of ugly no good to use flowers, then consider to grow a lot of your own vegetables, instead of buying those with more traveling experience than an old hippie backpacker. (Actually a lot of the old hippie backpacker`s can´t really have that much experience. They basically sit on the same spot when they have found a good source/supply of “vegetables”…) But the vegetables have traveled a lot! So go for the inexperienced/scared-of flying- ones!

Lay a brick you too!

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